Thursday, May 10, 2018

My Articles On Flash Fiction (Most Recent)

Some Of My Recent Articles on Flash Fiction

I hope you get a chance to read my 5,000-word article on flash fiction in Critical Insights: Flash Fiction. The editors of the collection are Michael Cocchiarale and Scott D. Emmert (Salem Press/ Gray House Publishing, Inc. Ipswich, Massachusetts, 2017). The title of my article is "Flash Fiction: From Text to Audio to Music, Stage, and Film Adaptations." There's more info on the collection at

I'm quite pleased that mine's the lead article too and I'm grateful that I got to be part of that interesting project. All the articles are in-depth and worthwhile reading and will no doubt be of help to anyone exploring the flash fiction world. 

Some other recent articles I've written:

"Flash Fiction: From Flash Text to Flash Film"
published at OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters 

"Flash Fiction: Brief And (Likely) Necessary Literature"
published at OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters 

I'm busy researching and writing some additional articles on flash fiction. It's such an interesting type of writing with a fascinating and difficult history.

Monday, May 07, 2018

I've decided to bring the Flash Fiction Blog back to life so stay tuned as I try to re-familiarize myself with how this site works (and as I try to update links). Soon I'll be posting information about various flash literature markets, about various types of flash fiction, and other interesting topics pertaining to flash literature in general.

For now, be sure to visit OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters where I'm the flash fiction contributing editor. There's some outstanding work published there along with some totally arresting art work. More on this in the coming days.

And be sure to subscribe to my free Flash Fiction Flash newsletter. I publish it monthly and you'll receive it via email. To subscribe (did I mention that it's free?) send a blank subject header message to  My newsletter includes flash literature markets (many paying markets), competitions, and flash literature publishing news.

Back soon.