Sunday, December 05, 2010

Takes place online December 20, 21, 22, 2010

Join me for a free three-day online Flash Fiction - Winter Solstice Celebration. We'll be celebrating the shortest day of the year (Dec. 21) and celebrating the shortest fiction (flash fiction).

I'm hoping everyone who loves flash fictionwill take part in this good old-fashioned Information Grab.

What sorts of information might you grab? Editor calls for submissions, flash fiction markets, flash fiction contests, favorite online stories, favorite markets, favorite writing prompts, articles or links pertaining to flash fiction, along with anthology/ collection reviews and announcements of new publications. And whatever else anyone thinks would be information worth having. (No submitting or critiquing, however-- just straight info on flash fiction.)

So start collecting the info you'll post now and in return you'll get a lot of info from me when the event begins. (Editors are welcome to post calls for submissions or tell us what might "sink a sub(mission)."

And please do sign up *today*! That way I'll have a better idea of how many might be taking part. Once you've signed up, you need do nothing more beforehand. Once the 20th arrives I'll approve you for posting and you can post to your heart's content (appropriate flash fiction info, anyway).

To subscribe send a blank subject header message to

or go to the ‘net site to sign up

Special thanks to Daneet Steffans for inspiring and urging me to participate in this project. See what's taking place across the U.K. in celebration of National Short Story Day

So please do sign up for the Three-Day Flash Fiction Info Grab today. And help me make the event a huge success. If this experiment goes well, I'll likely make it an annual event. And please do spread the word among your flash fiction writer friends.

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At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Sundry said...

Looking forward to it! Thanks for hosting!


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